Rapid world change can lead to persistent anxiety and stress, feeling disconnected from your true self and overwhelmed by your emotions. This disconnection hinders personal growth and emotional wellbeing.
The solution: Transform anxiety into wisdom through emotional mastery and self-awareness by reading Raiysa's empowering books and performing recommended grounding techniques.
join an emotional revolution for a change in thought
We are both a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time! Keep moving forward.

Hi, I'm a certified wellbeing coach and mental health advocate. Life experience has taught me that the simple act of focusing in on my personal reality is the key that opens the door to having a better life. In today's society, we've been conditioned to focus on the external. We watch reality TV and participate in social networking that tunes us into the emotions, feelings and experiences of celebrities or personalities. Yet, if we gave at least the same amount of focus to our own lives, we would see the messages that our feelings and emotions have for us.
What People Say...
- Ky Jones
Before being coached by Raiysa, I was stuck at a brick wall. I had an idea of how to break through but the action of the first step just was not there. After a few meetings with Raiysa I found myself dreaming bigger and becoming more active in manifesting the achievements of my goals and making more dreams come true. Thanks Raiysa.
- Chess and Community
Never was a program as timely as this one. The Balance is A Juggling Act workshop gave our youth a voice and platform to process what they are seeing while providing them with tools for maintaining a healthy state of mind.
Let's be our best selves together.
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